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программы для дизайна интерьера

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MaxCut Business Edition
Создавайте точные схемы резки и оценки затрат для деревообрабатывающей, металлообрабатывающей и металлообрабатывающей промышленности. Это просто! Вы вводите размеры и материалы, MaxCut сделает все остальное! Создавайте оптимизированные схемы резки, создавайте смету расходов, заказы на покупку и этикетки - это всего лишь один клик.

Create accurate cutting diagrams and costing estimates for the wood, cabinetry and metalwork industry. It's easy! You input the sizes and materials, MaxCut does the rest! Produce optimized cutting diagrams, generate cost estimates, purchase orders and labels - it's just one click away.

Intuitive design quickly gets you up and running
Running the application brings up a pretty clean and polished interface that quickly gets you up and running. Most of the space represents the edit area, with major functions being cleverly stored in tabs. Right from the start, you are taken through a series of steps in order to configure default layout values, object positioning on the sheet and a few more technical aspects.

Set up items and customer database
To make it easier later on, you can take your time and set up some more aspects, such as company, provider and customer details, as well as configuring the objects and materials you work with. Contact details are easily filled in by writing down related details. There's also the possibility to configure currency details so if you handle transactions you only need to select work items from the lists you create.

Create and preview cutting patterns
The input items tab can be populated with three types of entries, namely sheets, edges and hardware components. Creation windows are easy to understand and equipped with a real time updating preview of your item, which comes in handy since you get to work with numerical values for size and other details. All of them are displayed in a list along with related info. You can arrange them as you see fit, and even run an optimization tool based on the settings you managed with the initial wizard. For a better preview, accessing the optimization sheet visually displays a representation of your project with cutting patterns emphasized and accompanied by necessary size specifications, materials and more.

Analyze statistics and export data files
Nearly all types of data you add can be saved to file for further processing. Some degree of flexibility is provided, because you can directly print the design, or save TXT, CSV or XLS lists. You can also analyze financial impact, with a summary displaying pie charts with the amount and distribution of used materials and items. Cost is displayed, with a total amount under the currency symbol you specified.

Business Edition Features:
- Presaved Library Items - Unlimited
- Parts allowed per project - Unlimited
- Quantities allowed per part - Unlimited
- Custom Blade Thickness per Sheet Material Type
- Accurate Holes & Grooving Detail for Panels
- Mass change selected items by Material, Part Tag, Dimension, etc
- Customize reports to include your Company Logo
- MaxCut Advertising removed from all Reports/Labels
- No time delayed start up screen when opening the program
- Grouping and Ungrouping of items
- Optimize Waste or Time to Cut
- Copy / Paste to and from Excel
- File Export
- Calculate Edge Banding
- Create Customer Proposals
- Pricing Tool
- Shared Materials (multi-users)
- Raw Materials Import

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