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программы для дизайна интерьера

События Среда, 05.06.2024, 16:19


Группа: АДМИН
Cообщений: 783
Регистрация: 28.03.2010
CSI ETABS Ultimate
Инновационный и революционный новый ETABS - это совершенный интегрированный пакет программного обеспечения для структурного анализа и проектирования зданий. Этот новейший ETABS, включающий 40 лет непрерывных исследований и разработок, предлагает непревзойденные инструменты для трехмерного моделирования и визуализации на основе объектов, невероятно быструю линейную и нелинейную аналитическую мощь, сложные и всесторонние возможности проектирования для широкого спектра материалов, а также проницательные графические дисплеи, отчеты, и схематические чертежи, которые позволяют пользователям быстро и легко расшифровать и понять результаты анализа и проектирования.

The innovative and revolutionary new ETABS is the ultimate integrated software package for the structural analysis and design of buildings. Incorporating 40 years of continuous research and development, this latest ETABS offers unmatched 3D object based modeling and visualization tools, blazingly fast linear and nonlinear analytical power, sophisticated and comprehensive design capabilities for a wide-range of materials, and insightful graphic displays, reports, and schematic drawings that allow users to quickly and easily decipher and understand analysis and design results.

From the start of design conception through the production of schematic drawings, ETABS integrates every aspect of the engineering design process. Creation of models has never been easier - intuitive drawing commands allow for the rapid generation of floor and elevation framing. CAD drawings can be converted directly into ETABS models or used as templates onto which ETABS objects may be overlaid. The state-of-the-art SAPFire 64-bit solver allows extremely large and complex models to be rapidly analyzed, and supports nonlinear modeling techniques such as construction sequencing and time effects (e.g., creep and shrinkage).

Design of steel and concrete frames (with automated optimization), composite beams, composite columns, steel joists, and concrete and masonry shear walls is included, as is the capacity check for steel connections and base plates. Models may be realistically rendered, and all results can be shown directly on the structure. Comprehensive and customizable reports are available for all analysis and design output, and schematic construction drawings of framing plans, schedules, details, and cross-sections may be generated for concrete and steel structures.

ETABS provides an unequaled suite of tools for structural engineers designing buildings, whether they are working on one-story industrial structures or the tallest commercial high-rises. Immensely capable, yet easy-to-use, has been the hallmark of ETABS since its introduction decades ago, and this latest release continues that tradition by providing engineers with the technologically-advanced, yet intuitive, software they require to be their most productive.

Added codes for creep, shrinkage, and stiffness aging: Eurocode 2-2004, Australian Standard 3600-2009, New Zealand Standard 3101-2006 and GL 2000 models.

Creep & Shrinkage
Creep and shrinkage behavior now includes the effect of rebar to reduce axial shortening of columns and walls.

Modal Damping
Modal damping option for linear and nonlinear direct-integration time-history analysis, providing more realistic and conservative results

OS: win x64
Русский язык: нет
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Пользователь офлайн
События Четверг, 06.06.2024, 17:30


Автор текущей темы
Группа: АДМИН
Cообщений: 783
Регистрация: 28.03.2010
Thunderhead Engineering Ventus 2024.1.0605
софт предназначен для моделирования повышения давления для анализа контроля дыма. Моделирование выполняется CONTAM, приложением с открытым исходным кодом, поддерживаемым и разрабатываемым NIST.

Ventus is designed to provide a pressurization simulation for smoke control analysis. The simulation is performed by CONTAM, an open-source application maintained and developed by NIST.

Like PyroSim and FDS, Ventus provides a premium user experience for industry leading simulation software. By utilizing our expertise in delivering 3D modeling applications for fire protection eningeering, Ventus will exceed the demands of CONTAM users who want to accelerate their smoke control projects.

Whether for stairwells, atriums, or underground buildings, proper air handling systems must be designed for pressurized smoke control in case of emergency. Ventus provides a clear and efficient path from modeling a building to understanding temperatures, pressures, and densities so that the proper solution can be reached.

Thunderhead Engineering supports you every step of the way. Whether you want in-depth training or self-taught materials, you can learn performance-based design modeling with greater efficiency and proficiency. We design our software for anyone to learn, and our customers are delighted when our support team helps them succeed.

Import CAD geometry
Import CAD models or floorplans to build geometry. Easily understand and navigate your model. Quickly designate flow paths.

Design simulations in 3D
Build in an application tailored to avoiding errors and mistakes. See your realistic model as you work and easily investigate details through intelligent UI.

Deliver answers quickly
Create data reports for all configured scenarios. Provide increased certainty that your inputs are valid and deliver the proper solution.

Simulate multiple ambient conditions
Easily compare results for varying outdoor conditions. Maintain multiple simulation configurations for sensitivity analyses and multiple scenarios.

-Ventus allows users to build 3D models of pressure zones based on actual building geometry.
-Ventus manages multi-variable scenarios for simplified batch CONTAM simulation and analysis.
-Ventus tabulates results data for multiple scenarios into digestible CSV data and 3D visuals.

ОS: win x64
Русский язык: нет
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Thunderhead Engineering PyroSim 2024.1.0605
это графический пользовательский интерфейс для симулятора динамики огня (FDS). Модели FDS могут прогнозировать дым, температуру, угарный газ и другие вещества во время пожаров. Результаты этого моделирования используются для обеспечения безопасности зданий перед строительством, оценки вариантов безопасности существующих зданий, реконструкции пожаров для расследования послеаварий и оказания помощи в обучении пожарных.

PyroSim is a graphical user interface for the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). FDS models can predict smoke, temperature, carbon monoxide, and other substances during fires. The results of these simulations are used to ensure the safety of buildings before construction, evaluate safety options of existing buildings, reconstruct fires for post-accident investigation, and assist in firefighter training.

FDS is a powerful fire simulator which was developed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). FDS simulates fire scenarios using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) optimized for low-speed, thermally-driven flow. This approach is very flexible and can be applied to fires ranging from stove-tops to oil storage tanks. It can also model situations that do not include a fire, such as ventilation in buildings. FDS is closely integrated into PyroSim.

Features and Applications PyroSim
-The ability to import CAD models, including DXF and DWG
-The use of several types of tissue or mesh
-Parallel processing to improve speed of execution of FDS
-The user interface has been translated into several different languages
-Support for HVAC systems
-The ability to import existing models, FDS
-Having a library of different specifications to increase production speed and reduce error model
-Ability to edit interactive objects in the model
-Having a design tool for rapid creation of models to you
-Support SmokeView to see smoke, temperature, acceleration and other parameters FDS output at any time of the analysis process
-Full 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems Pyshtyany
-The simulation cluster in the context of a network of computers
-Ability to convert models to FDS5 FDS4

OS: wi x64
Русский язык: нет
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Thunderhead Engineering Pathfinder 2024.1.0605
служебное программное обеспечение для моделирования эвакуации персонала с различных объектов. С помощью этой программы население людей находится в определенных критических условиях, таких как землетрясение, пожар, наводнение и дренаж в указанном месте, а моделирование выполняется на основе различных параметров. Характеристики лиц, подвергшихся стрессу, травмам, препятствиям на пути к выходам и т. д. Это приложение отличается от моделей, основанных на потоке или ячейках, с мощью методов, исследованиями возможностей игровой индустрии и компьютерной графики для моделирования реалистичности, чтобы сделать его более осязаемым и близким к реальности, и только одно приложение не является чисто вычислительное и симуляционное.

Pathfinder product Thunderhead Engineering, utility software to simulate the evacuation of personnel from the various facilities. With this program, the population of people under certain critical conditions such as earthquake, fire, flood and drain of a specified location, and the simulation is performed based on various parameters. Characteristics of individuals involved in stress and personal injury and obstruction of exits and so on. This application is unlike flow models based or cell-based, with the power of techniques, research on the capabilities of the gaming industry and computer graphics to simulate realistic to do to use it more tangible and closer to reality and only one application is not purely computational and simulation.

Pathfinder essential tools for making the right decision for the design of systems resistant to various disasters, including fires offer. By simulating multilateral and change the properties of different scenarios can be explored and finally the critical limits, minimum and maximum for states to anticipate and remedy the cynical and Khvshbyanh.

Pathfinder is a simulator-based OS (operating here as humans), each individual based on a set of parameters and characteristics of its own into the simulation environment and independently decide its own, this next advanced motion system and 3d modeling makes it unlike other competitors more realistic simulations gives us


Robust Import Options
Pathfinder provides support for the import of Autodesk formats DXF and DWG, buildingSMART’s IFC format for BIM, as well as DWG, FBX, DAE, and OBJ. Pathfinder’s floor extraction tool makes it possible to quickly use the imported geometry to define the occupant walking space for the evacuation model. Import Type specifications allow automatic model generation to apply correct object types.
If you have a blueprint, it can be imported in GIF, JPG, or PNG format and then used as a background to help you rapidly draw your model directly over the image.

Continuous Movement Mesh
Pathfinder uses a 3D triangulated mesh to represent the model geometry. As a result, Pathfinder can accurately represent geometric details and curves.
Triangulation also facilitates continuous movement of persons throughout the model, compared to other simulators that subdivide the space into cells that can artificially constrain the movement of occupants.

Multiple Simulation Modes
Pathfinder supports two simulation modes. In Steering mode, agents proceed independently to their goal, while avoiding other occupants and obstacles. Door flow rates are not specified but result from the interaction of occupants with each other and with boundaries. In SFPE mode, agents use behaviors that follow SFPE guidelines, with density-dependent walking speeds and flow limits to doors. SFPE results provide a useful baseline for comparison with other results, but SFPE calculations do not prevent multiple persons occupying the same space.
Optionally, Pathfinder allows you to specify door flow rates in steering mode to obtain superior visualization in a constrained model. You can freely switch between modes in the Pathfinder user interface.

OS: win x64
Русский язык: нет
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События Пятница, 14.06.2024, 11:27


Автор текущей темы
Группа: АДМИН
Cообщений: 783
Регистрация: 28.03.2010
CSI SAP2000 Ultimate 25.3.0 Build 2708
система трехмерного статического и динамического анализа методом конечных элементов и проектирования сооружений. SAP2000 следует принципам, основными чертами которых являются современный, интуитивно понятный и универсальный пользовательский интерфейс, основанный на уникальном расчетном ядре и инструментах проектирования конструкций для инженеров, разрабатывающих объекты транспортной инфраструктуры, промышленные и гражданские здания, спортивные сооружения и другие объекты.

The SAP name has been synonymous with state-of-the-art analytical methods since its introduction over 30 years ago. SAP2000 follows in the same tradition featuring a very sophisticated, intuitive and versatile user interface powered by an unmatched analysis engine and design tools for engineers working on transportation, industrial, public works, sports, and other facilities.

From its 3D object based graphical modeling environment to the wide variety of analysis and design options completely integrated across one powerful user interface, SAP2000 has proven to be the most integrated, productive and practical general purpose structural program on the market today. This intuitive interface allows you to create structural models rapidly and intuitively without long learning curve delays. Now you can harness the power of SAP2000 for all of your analysis and design tasks, including small day-to-day problems.

Complex Models can be generated and meshed with powerful built in templates. Integrated design code features can automatically generate wind, wave, bridge, and seismic loads with comprehensive automatic steel and concrete design code checks per US, Canadian and international design standards.

Advanced analytical techniques allow for step-by-step large deformation analysis, Eigen and Ritz analyses based on stiffness of nonlinear cases, catenary cable analysis, material nonlinear analysis with fiber hinges, multi-layered nonlinear shell element, buckling analysis, progressive collapse analysis, energy methods for drift control, velocity-dependent dampers, base isolators, support plasticity and nonlinear segmental construction analysis. Nonlinear analyses can be static and/or time history, with options for FNA nonlinear time history dynamic analysis and direct integration.

From a simple small 2D static frame analysis to a large complex 3D nonlinear dynamic analysis, SAP2000 is the easiest, most productive solution for your structural analysis and design needs.

OS: win x64
Русский язык: нет
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CSI Bridge 25.3.0 Build 2761
Моделирование, анализ и проектирование мостовых конструкций были интегрированы в CSiBridge для создания совершенных компьютерных инженерных инструментов. Легкость, с которой все эти задачи могут быть выполнены, делает CSiBridge самой универсальной и производительной программой, доступной на рынке сегодня.

Modeling, analysis and design of bridge structures have been integrated into CSiBridge to create the ultimate in computerized engineering tools. The ease with which all of these tasks can be accomplished makes CSiBridge the most versatile and productive software program available on the market today.

Using CSiBridge, engineers can easily define complex bridge geometries, boundary conditions and load cases. The bridge models are defined parametrically, using terms that are familiar to bridge engineers such as layout lines, spans, bearings, abutments, bents, hinges and post-tensioning. The software creates spine, shell or solid object models that update automatically as the bridge definition parameters are changed.

CSiBridge design allows for quick and easy design and retrofitting of steel and concrete bridges. The parametric modeler allows the user to build simple or complex bridge models and to make changes efficiently while maintaining total control over the design process. Lanes and vehicles can be defined quickly and include width effects. Simple and practical Gantt charts are available to simulate modeling of construction sequences and scheduling.

CSiBridge includes an easy to follow wizard that outlines the steps necessary to create a bridge model.

Completely integrated within the CSiBridge design package is the power of the SAPFire® analysis engine, including staged construction, creep and shrinkage analysis, cable tensioning to target forces, camber and shape finding, geometric nonlinearity (P-delta and large displacements), material nonlinearity (superstructure, bearings, substructure and soil supports), buckling and static and dynamic analysis. All of these apply to a single comprehensive model. In addition, AASHTO LRFD design is included with automated load combinations, superstructure design and the latest seismic design.

OS: win x64
Русский язык: нет
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Materialise Magics v27.0.3 + MatConvert 8.0
мощное программное обеспечение для 3D-данных и подготовки сборки. Упростите и оптимизируйте данные и подготовку сборки с помощью Magics - комплексного, ведущего в отрасли программного обеспечения для 3D-печати - с инструментами САПР и сетками. Получите расширенный контроль над своими процессами, автоматизируйте повторяющиеся задачи и увеличьте показатели успешности печати - поддержка независимо от того, какую технологию 3D-печати вы используете.

The most powerful 3D data and build preparation software. Simplify and optimize data and build preparation with Magics — our comprehensive, industry-leading 3D printing software — with both CAD and mesh tools. Gain advanced control over your processes, automate repetitive tasks, and increase print success rates — supporting you no matter which 3D printing technology you use.

Why Magics?

Advanced control over workflows
Import files, edit, cut, and label parts, create lattices and supports, optimize nest density, slice models, simulate metal builds, and more in one software environment.

Optimize and automate repetitive tasks
Reduce lead times, human error, and excessive manual effort with workflow automation software for support generation, nesting, labeling, and simulation.

Robust integrations cover your entire workflow
Experience enhanced additive manufacturing traceability and connectivity by linking Magics with our CO-AM Software Platform, offering insights into revisions and more. Plus, manage basic machine parameters with Machine Manager.

Dependable support
From training courses to our Help Center to personalized advice, our team of experts is here to help you. Learn to embed Magics into your processes, optimize your use of Magics, and get the most out of its features.

Technology neutral
No matter the technology or materials you use, you deserve one solution to meet all your needs.

Key features — from import to print

Import data types and formats
Import nearly all relevant file formats, retain native color information, and stay in control of your original data.

Fix, edit, and enhance
Leverage both CAD and mesh (STL) editing tools to ensure high-quality, printable parts with tools like automatic fixing, offsets, and lattice structures.

Optimize nesting
Nest parts with speed and control using tools that range from manual to fully automatic in the Nester module.

Automate support generation
Optimize the speed and process of support generation with Magics modules tailored to specific 3D printing technologies.

Analyze builds
Avoid costly build failures and reduce scrap rate using analysis features that detect potential issues.

Transfer designs to your machine
Slice builds with precision and communicate clear building instructions to your printer with our Build Processors.

Generate reports
Extract nearly any parameter from Magics to keep track of builds and ensure repeatability with fully customizable automatic reports.

OS: win x64
Русский язык: нет
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Пользователь офлайн
События Четверг, 20.06.2024, 15:24


Автор текущей темы
Группа: АДМИН
Cообщений: 783
Регистрация: 28.03.2010
CorelDRAW Technical Suite 2024
программа для профессиональной работы с технической графикой. Если вам надо создать чертеж любого уровня сложности, какие-то технические иллюстрации, если вы инженер и вам приходится часто работать с такими типами графических документов, то софт вам понравится сто процентов. Высокая скорость работа, повышенная производительность, новые технологии, скоростная обработка графики, возможность работать с 3Д моделями, есть функции импорта и экспорта, возможность вносить корректировки в проекты, поддержка сохранения результата для просмотра на мобильных устройствах или публикации в сети Интернет

Приложение предлагает вам интуитивно понятные средства визуализации, именно они помогут иллюстраторам и техническим дизайнерам без проблем создать проект высокого уровня, который может содержать в себе разного типа чертежи и диаграммы, а также прочую техническую графику. Вы сможете удовлетворить все потребности заказчика представляя ему готовый проект со всеми необходимыми картинками и т.д. Так как софт достаточно функционален, вы получаете технологию XVL Studio 3D Corel Edition, которая поможет использовать в своем проекте исходные материалы CAD.

    Мировое ПО для создания чертежей любого уровня сложности
    Возможность использовать только лучшие инструменты для работы над вашими чертежами
    Техническая графика, диаграммы, не важно с чем вам приходится работать, данный софт позволит выполнить любые задачи грамотно
    Совместимость Виндовс 10 и выше
    Есть готовая база которой можно воспользоваться в любой момент времени
    Интуитивно понятный интерфейс
    Большое количество уроков на Ютуб
    Активация простыми методами, не надо для этого изучать большую инструкцию, все предельно понятно
    Возможность распечатать проект или просмотреть его в трехмерном виде
    Соблюдены все стандарты при работе с любыми материалами
    Можно выполнить симуляцию для просмотра как оно будет работать

OS: win x64
Русский язык: нет
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Materialise Magics v28.0
мощное программное обеспечение для 3D-данных и подготовки сборки. Упростите и оптимизируйте данные и подготовку сборки с помощью Magics — нашего комплексного, ведущего в отрасли программного обеспечения для 3D-печати — с инструментами САПР и сетками. Получите расширенный контроль над своими процессами, автоматизируйте повторяющиеся задачи и увеличьте показатели успешности печати — поддержка независимо от того, какую технологию 3D-печати вы используете.

The most powerful 3D data and build preparation software. Simplify and optimize data and build preparation with Magics — our comprehensive, industry-leading 3D printing software — with both CAD and mesh tools. Gain advanced control over your processes, automate repetitive tasks, and increase print success rates — supporting you no matter which 3D printing technology you use.

Why Magics?

Advanced control over workflows
Import files, edit, cut, and label parts, create lattices and supports, optimize nest density, slice models, simulate metal builds, and more in one software environment.

Optimize and automate repetitive tasks
Reduce lead times, human error, and excessive manual effort with workflow automation software for support generation, nesting, labeling, and simulation.

Robust integrations cover your entire workflow
Experience enhanced additive manufacturing traceability and connectivity by linking Magics with our CO-AM Software Platform, offering insights into revisions and more. Plus, manage basic machine parameters with Machine Manager.

Dependable support
From training courses to our Help Center to personalized advice, our team of experts is here to help you. Learn to embed Magics into your processes, optimize your use of Magics, and get the most out of its features.

Technology neutral
No matter the technology or materials you use, you deserve one solution to meet all your needs.

Key features — from import to print

Import data types and formats
Import nearly all relevant file formats, retain native color information, and stay in control of your original data.

Fix, edit, and enhance
Leverage both CAD and mesh (STL) editing tools to ensure high-quality, printable parts with tools like automatic fixing, offsets, and lattice structures.

Optimize nesting
Nest parts with speed and control using tools that range from manual to fully automatic in the Nester module.

Automate support generation
Optimize the speed and process of support generation with Magics modules tailored to specific 3D printing technologies.

Analyze builds
Avoid costly build failures and reduce scrap rate using analysis features that detect potential issues.

Transfer designs to your machine
Slice builds with precision and communicate clear building instructions to your printer with our Build Processors.

Generate reports
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Rhinoceros 8.8.24170.13001
софт создавать, редактировать, анализировать, документировать, визуализировать, анимировать и преобразовывать NURBS-кривые, поверхности и твердые тела, геометрию подразделения (SubD), облака точек и полигональные сетки. Нет никаких ограничений по сложности, степени или размеру, кроме ограничений вашего оборудования.

Rhino can create, edit, analyze, document, render, animate, and translate NURBS curves, surfaces and solids, subdivision geometry (SubD), point clouds, and polygon meshes. There are no limits on complexity, degree, or size beyond those of your hardware.

Special features include
Uninhibited free-form 3D modeling tools like those found only in products costing 20 to 50 times more. Model any shape you can imagine.
Accuracy needed to design, prototype, engineer, analyze, and manufacture anything from an airplane to jewelry.
Compatibility with all your other design, drafting, CAM, engineering, analysis, rendering, animation, and illustration software.
Read and repair meshes and extremely challenging IGES files.
Accessible. So easy to learn and use that you can focus on design and visualization without being distracted by the software.
Fast, even on an ordinary laptop computer. No special hardware is needed.
Development platform for hundreds of specialty 3D products.
Affordable. Ordinary hardware. Short learning curve. Affordable purchase price. No maintenance fees.
Cross-Platform: The world’s most versatile 3D modeler, available on Windows and macOS.

OS: winx64, MacOS
Русский язык: нет
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Пользователь офлайн
События Пятница, 21.06.2024, 13:38


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Группа: АДМИН
Cообщений: 783
Регистрация: 28.03.2010
ZWCAD Architecture 2025 SP0
профессиональное программное обеспечение САПР для архитекторов, которые хотят немедленной производительности. Он включает в себя библиотеки контента и инструменты, разработанные специально для архитектурных чертежей, которые улучшают рабочий процесс, автоматизируют утомительную задачу черчения, уменьшают ошибки и повышают эффективность.

ZWCAD Architecture is a professional CAD software for architects who want immediate productivity. It includes content libraries and tools designed specifically for architectural drawings, which enhance the workflow, automate tedious drafting task, reduce errors and increase efficiency.

Customized Layer Management, Automatic Layer Landing
The intelligent layer management system automatically places items on the correct layer, applies color, and linetype as you create your drawing.

Draw in 2D, Create in 3D
Draw your plans in 2D, switch views, and all of your components can be viewed in 3D. Rest assured that your 3D model remains consistent with your 2D plan and vice versa.

Elevation and Section
From the completed 2D plan, elevation and section can be automatically generated with a few clicks. Compose floors, walls, doors, stairs, and roofs from the 2D plan.

Built-in Block Library
Hundreds of components such as furniture, kitchenware, appliances, vehicles and plants are provided to let you detail your plans with ease.

Re-edit beams, slabs, columns
Beams, slabs, and columns can be created with specified tools. These parametric objects can be edited by double-clicking or from the properties palette.

Directly create walls, doors and windows
Generate walls from single lines and grids. If you remove a door or window, the wall will mend itself automatically.

The data extraction wizard guides you to finish the following steps
-Select the data source.
-Filter objects (non-blocks and blocks) and select objects.
-Filter categories and select properties to be extracted.
-Organize and optimize the extracted data.
-Choose an output format for the data (a table and/or an external file).

Select data source
The data of individual object in a drawing can be extracted, and the data of all objects in the drawing can also be extracted. If you select a drawing, all objects in a drawing are extracted, including invisible objects.

Select object
At present, object types such as circle, line, polyline, text, solids, 3D solids, point, arc and block are supported for data extraction.

The Data extraction Objects selection page displays a list of objects. In this page, filter can be used to display objects by block or non-block.

Select property
The Data extraction Properties selection page displays a list of properties of the selected objects in the form of columns.

In this page, you can use filter of category (such as general, geometry, or text) to narrow down the list of properties.

The property to be extracted is determined by checking. You can also define the output table, including whether to hide the title, define the title name of the table, and whether to merge rows with the same attributes.

Organize and optimize data
After selecting properties, a table preview is generated. You can adjust the table, including row/column sorting, and further filtering property.

Choose output format
The extracted data can be output to a table and inserted into the current graph. It can also be exported to external files, including CSV files, XLS files and Zex files.

When drawings or objects change, the properties that have been extracted can be updated to synchronize with data sources.

You can manually update the extracted data, whether output to the data extraction table or external files.

OS: win x64
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LightBurn 1.6.02
программа для компоновки, редактирования и управления вашим лазерным резаком.

With LightBurn you can:
- Import artwork in a variety of common vector graphic and image formats (including AI, PDF, SVG, DXF, PLT, PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP)
- Arrange, edit, and even create new vector shapes within the editor, with powerful features like offsetting, boolean operations, welding, and node editing
- Apply settings like power, speed, number of passes, cut order, brightness & contrast, dithering mode, and much more
- Send the result directly to your laser cutter.

OS: win x64
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GibbsCAM 2024
Мощная разработка для системой автоматизированной подготовки программ для станков с ЧПУ, среди плюсов стоит отметить простоту в работе и большое количество возможностей. Благодаря модулям можно значительно расширить базовые возможности данного приложения. благодаря понятному пользовательскому интерфейсу, вы сможете получить доступ к функциям управления геометрией, инструментом, траекториями, верификацией.

Программирование тут выходит на более гибкий уровень, благодаря этому понимающий пользователь сможет создать оптимальные программы обработки. Если есть процессы обработки которые пришлось отложить, ничего страшного, вы всегда сможете к ним вернуться. Функции моделирования помогают подготовить геометрию для нужд обработки посредством создания каркасной, поверхностной и твердотельной геометрии. Стоит отметить инструмент имитации удаления материала, благодаря которому возможно точно отобразить весь процесс обработки, показывая как изменение во времени геометрии заготовки, так и все возможные коллизии. Результат расчета можно сравнить с исходной геометрией модели, обнаружив остатки материала или зарезы.

OS: win x64
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Пользователь офлайн
События Вторник, 25.06.2024, 22:57


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Группа: АДМИН
Cообщений: 783
Регистрация: 28.03.2010
Artifact Interactive Garden Planner 3.8.65
очень удобная программа для проектирования сада Вашей мечты. Расположите растения, деревья, постройки и объекты, используя удобный \'drag and drop\' интерфейс. Используйте различные инструменты, чтобы быстро создать мощение, дорожки и заборы. В завершение, вы можете произвести высококачественную цветную печать из вашего проекта.

• Very easy to use interface
• Save and Load your own designs.
• Use a wide range of generic plant shapes to design your garden, so you dont need to be a botanist to use it
• Produce a professional looking print out of your plan
• Use tools to quickly create paving, fences and paths.
• Generate a report of all the plants and objects in your garden
• Create a library of custom plants

OS: win
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nTopology 5.0.4
программное обеспечение для инженерного проектирования нового поколения. Производство продвинулось вперед. А что насчет вашего программного обеспечения? Начните работу с nTopology сегодня. Испытайте мощь самого инновационного в мире программного обеспечения для инженерного проектирования для передового производства.

Access a Better Modeling Technology
At the core of nTopology lies our implicit modeling engine. In implicit modeling, every solid body is described by a single mathematical equation.
nTopology’s unbreakable geometry engine enables lightning-fast design iterations and eliminates design bottlenecks in advanced product development.

Take Complete Control of Your Design Workflows
There are no “black boxes”. nTopology gives you complete control over every aspect of your generative workflows, optimization processes, and their outputs.
Create reusable workflows that are tailored to the unique requirements of your application. Control designs at every point in space using simulation results, test data, engineering formulas, and Field-Driven Design.

Design Processes. Not Just Parts.
Realize ROI beyond part performance. No one knows your process and your industry like you.
nTopology was built from the ground up to enable you to create custom applications that address your specific needs and transform the way you develop innovative products.

Make Changes in Real-Time with GPU Acceleration
With GPU acceleration, complex modeling operations that take minutes in other software become instantaneous in nTopology.
Enjoy real-time feedback and 10x to 100x performance increase with nTopology’s patent-pending hardware acceleration technology, saving days of design time.

Augment Your Software Stack
nTopology expands the capabilities of your current CAD, CAE, CAM software stack. Through robust import & export capabilities, you can closely couple advanced geometry with design analysis, verification, and manufacturing. Contact sales to learn more about our PLM and MDO integrations.

Design-at-Scale with Design Automation
Automatically run nTop workflows in a programmatic environment using scripts and nTopCL — nTopology’s Command Line Interface.
nTopology can act as an advanced generative geometry microservice on your desktop, private server, or the cloud.
Process entire product families with hundreds of parts without any manual intervention. Build automated engineering processes to unlock new business models.

OS: win x64
Русский язык: нет
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3DF Zephyr 7.531
позволяет автоматически восстанавливать 3D-модели из фотографий. Процесс полностью автоматический и не требует кодированных целей, ручного редактирования или специального оборудования. 3DF Zephyr построен на основе нашей собственной передовой технологии реконструкции.

3DF Zephyr comes with a user-friendly interface, and the possibility to export in many common 3D formats or even to generate lossless video without the need for external tools. Furthermore, 3DF Zephyr has a lot of advances functionalities, and you can, for example, edit your models, create true orthophotos, digital elevation models (DTM), manage laser scan data and calculate areas, volumes, angles, contour lines, and much more.

Here in 3Dflow, we worked hard to build up both the core technologies and the user interface. The obtained solution is in all probability the most accurate, completely automatic, best engineered multiview-stereo algorithm available on the market.

Features and amenities 3DF Zephyr Aerial:
-User-friendly interface: Application 3DF ZEPHYR having functional design-friendly and simple to use this app provides the user more comfortable.
-Using advanced technology: The software uses the most up to date technology available, to provide services in the best way possible to the user. The user can according to the technology in this application, to carry out the act itself.
-Export advanced capabilities: With this software you can eventually become a version of the model in -several different formats and quality extract and save.
-Process group: With this feature, users can perform multiple activities at the same time in -Application 3DF ZEPHYR

OS: win x64
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События Суббота, 03.08.2024, 12:30


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Группа: АДМИН
Cообщений: 783
Регистрация: 28.03.2010
ARES Mechanical 2025.1 Build
ARES Mechanical специально разработан для пользователей 2D-механических САПР и для тех, кто время от времени использует 3D-САПР. Независимо от того, являетесь ли вы планировщиком планировки завода, создающим планы этажей для размещения машин с учетом эффективности, или инженером по техническому обслуживанию, вносящим изменения в существующие чертежи DWG, у ARES Mechanical есть нужный набор инструментов, которые помогут вам выполнить работу. Концептуальные дизайнеры могут использовать ARES Mechanical для создания быстрых эскизов или технических чертежей.

ARES Mechanical is especially designed for the needs of 2D mechanical CAD users and for those who use 3D CAD occasionally. Whether you are a Factory Layout Planner making floor plans to place machines with efficiency in mind or a Maintenance Engineer making revisions to existing DWG drawings, ARES Mechanical has the right set of tools to help you get the job done. Conceptual Designers can use ARES Mechanical for creating quick sketches or technical drawings.

More generally, Designers can use ARES Mechanical to create detailed 2D mechanical drawings ready for production. ARES Mechanical meets the needs of a wide spectrum of technical drawing users.

Key Features of ARES Mechanical
As a first step you should consider to select a Mechanical Standard for your project. ARES Mechanical supports international standards such as ANSI Inch, ANSI Metric, BSI, DIN, ISO and JIS. The chosen standard will activate pre-defined settings for your drawing in terms of styles, layers, frames and parts libraries.

Alternatively, ARES Mechanical is flexible enough to start a project without defining the standard. You would then make your choice from the part libraries when inserting your first components.

Companies can further define their own standards as copies and/or extensions of existing international standards.

Mechanical Parts
ARES Mechanical includes ready-to-use mechanical part-libraries such as: Bolts & Screws, Screw Connections, Nuts, Pins & Washers, Hole & Hole Table, Hole Callouts.

You will find these parts in the Toolbox ribbon of the Mechanical workspace. They are pre-configured and standardized based on the mechanical standard you have chosen for your project.

These smart entities will help you to speed up the design and make sure it is compliant with the chosen standard. They will also further be recognized for the creation of your BOM.

The Toolbox ribbon includes other mechanical features such as symbols for surface and welding; Balloons and Bill of Materials (BOM) and Revision Tables.

Mechanical workspace
We created a dedicated user interface optimized for Mechanical Design with quick access to all the features you need. The Mechanical ribbon highlights in the first tabs the top level features needed for a quick sketch of a new drawing.

In the Toolbox tab of this ribbon you will also find most of the mechanical features such as the part libraries, holes, screw connections, BOM, symbols and revision tables.

If you don’t like ribbons, the “Classic” workspace is replacing the ribbon by menus and toolbars.

All the features of ARES Commander remain also available. If you are not working on a mechanical project you may simply switch to the “Drafting and Annotation” workspace for 2D or to the “3D Modeling” one for 3D.

Advanced users may also simply use keyboard commands with any of these workspaces.
Watch the Video

Construction Lines
Construction Lines (vertical, horizontal or at a defined angle) are easy to maintain, they are on a predefined layer and can be switched on or off as and when required. They are easy to pick and can be combined with our Power Trim feature to help you accelerate your design.

Rectangle with dimension
ARES Mechanical includes some other smart features such as rectangles with dimensions. This feature would let you draw a rectangle and automatically add dimensions.

Predefined Hatches
Mechanical design conventions require that you use specific hatch patterns in the sections of your mechanical drawings. These hatch patterns help to standardize drawings and define the material of the elements.

You can now use Predefined hatches in your designs. Many commonly used hatch patterns are included, which can be further customized based on your requirements.

OS: win x64
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События Четверг, 08.08.2024, 17:23


Автор текущей темы
Группа: АДМИН
Cообщений: 783
Регистрация: 28.03.2010
nTopology 5.3.2
программное обеспечение для инженерного проектирования нового поколения. Производство продвинулось вперед. А что насчет вашего программного обеспечения? Начните работу с nTopology сегодня. Испытайте мощь самого инновационного в мире программного обеспечения для инженерного проектирования для передового производства.

nTopology: Next-Generation Engineering Design Software. Manufacturing has advanced. What about your software? Get started with nTopology today. Experience the power of the world’s most innovative engineering design software for advanced manufacturing.

Access a Better Modeling Technology
At the core of nTopology lies our implicit modeling engine. In implicit modeling, every solid body is described by a single mathematical equation.
nTopology’s unbreakable geometry engine enables lightning-fast design iterations and eliminates design bottlenecks in advanced product development.

Take Complete Control of Your Design Workflows
There are no “black boxes”. nTopology gives you complete control over every aspect of your generative workflows, optimization processes, and their outputs.
Create reusable workflows that are tailored to the unique requirements of your application. Control designs at every point in space using simulation results, test data, engineering formulas, and Field-Driven Design.

Design Processes. Not Just Parts.
Realize ROI beyond part performance. No one knows your process and your industry like you.
nTopology was built from the ground up to enable you to create custom applications that address your specific needs and transform the way you develop innovative products.

Make Changes in Real-Time with GPU Acceleration
With GPU acceleration, complex modeling operations that take minutes in other software become instantaneous in nTopology.
Enjoy real-time feedback and 10x to 100x performance increase with nTopology’s patent-pending hardware acceleration technology, saving days of design time.

Augment Your Software Stack
nTopology expands the capabilities of your current CAD, CAE, CAM software stack. Through robust import & export capabilities, you can closely couple advanced geometry with design analysis, verification, and manufacturing. Contact sales to learn more about our PLM and MDO integrations.

Design-at-Scale with Design Automation
Automatically run nTop workflows in a programmatic environment using scripts and nTopCL — nTopology’s Command Line Interface.
nTopology can act as an advanced generative geometry microservice on your desktop, private server, or the cloud.
Process entire product families with hundreds of parts without any manual intervention. Build automated engineering processes to unlock new business models.

OS: win x64
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События Пятница, 09.08.2024, 10:16


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Группа: АДМИН
Cообщений: 783
Регистрация: 28.03.2010
MaxCut Business Edition
Создавайте точные схемы резки и оценки затрат для деревообрабатывающей, металлообрабатывающей и металлообрабатывающей промышленности. Это просто! Вы вводите размеры и материалы, MaxCut сделает все остальное! Создавайте оптимизированные схемы резки, создавайте смету расходов, заказы на покупку и этикетки - это всего лишь один клик.

Create accurate cutting diagrams and costing estimates for the wood, cabinetry and metalwork industry. It's easy! You input the sizes and materials, MaxCut does the rest! Produce optimized cutting diagrams, generate cost estimates, purchase orders and labels - it's just one click away.

Intuitive design quickly gets you up and running
Running the application brings up a pretty clean and polished interface that quickly gets you up and running. Most of the space represents the edit area, with major functions being cleverly stored in tabs. Right from the start, you are taken through a series of steps in order to configure default layout values, object positioning on the sheet and a few more technical aspects.

Set up items and customer database
To make it easier later on, you can take your time and set up some more aspects, such as company, provider and customer details, as well as configuring the objects and materials you work with. Contact details are easily filled in by writing down related details. There's also the possibility to configure currency details so if you handle transactions you only need to select work items from the lists you create.

Create and preview cutting patterns
The input items tab can be populated with three types of entries, namely sheets, edges and hardware components. Creation windows are easy to understand and equipped with a real time updating preview of your item, which comes in handy since you get to work with numerical values for size and other details. All of them are displayed in a list along with related info. You can arrange them as you see fit, and even run an optimization tool based on the settings you managed with the initial wizard. For a better preview, accessing the optimization sheet visually displays a representation of your project with cutting patterns emphasized and accompanied by necessary size specifications, materials and more.

Analyze statistics and export data files
Nearly all types of data you add can be saved to file for further processing. Some degree of flexibility is provided, because you can directly print the design, or save TXT, CSV or XLS lists. You can also analyze financial impact, with a summary displaying pie charts with the amount and distribution of used materials and items. Cost is displayed, with a total amount under the currency symbol you specified.

Business Edition Features:
- Presaved Library Items - Unlimited
- Parts allowed per project - Unlimited
- Quantities allowed per part - Unlimited
- Custom Blade Thickness per Sheet Material Type
- Accurate Holes & Grooving Detail for Panels
- Mass change selected items by Material, Part Tag, Dimension, etc
- Customize reports to include your Company Logo
- MaxCut Advertising removed from all Reports/Labels
- No time delayed start up screen when opening the program
- Grouping and Ungrouping of items
- Optimize Waste or Time to Cut
- Copy / Paste to and from Excel
- File Export
- Calculate Edge Banding
- Create Customer Proposals
- Pricing Tool
- Shared Materials (multi-users)
- Raw Materials Import

OS: win
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Пользователь офлайн
События Четверг, 15.08.2024, 12:44


Автор текущей темы
Группа: АДМИН
Cообщений: 783
Регистрация: 28.03.2010
Graitec Advance Design 2025.0.1 Build 20124
международный разработчик программного обеспечения для AEC, рад объявить о выпуске версии Advance Design 2024. Основываясь на потребностях и запросах постоянно растущих сообществ, которые собрались вокруг каждого программного обеспечения, разработанного Graitec, команда разработчиков программного обеспечения Graitec предлагает захватывающие новые функции для повышения качества обслуживания клиентов при проектировании и моделировании структурных проектов.

Graitec, an international software developer for AEC, is delighted to announce the release of Advance Design version 2024. Based on the needs and requests of the ever-growing communities that have gathered around each software developed by Graitec, the Graitec software development team proposes exciting new features to enhance the customer experience when designing and simulating structural projects.

This version 2024 of Advance Design is enhanced with a lot of new users-centric functionality, with high-end benefits, articulated around
– Performance- a significant reduction of the time required for calculations
– Construction stages- new mechanism for the definition, management and calculation of structures using stages
– Advanced non-linear supports- new possibilities for defining nonlinear relationships for supports
– Masonry structures- possibility to model and verify masonry walls (acc. EN 1996) using a new Masonry Wall design module
– Wind on free standing walls- possibility to generate wind on free standing walls acc. EN 1991-1-4
– Result tables- fast and easy checking FEM results with Results Tables
– Improvementsto New possibilities and improvements for reinforcement concrete design.

Version 2024 of Advance Design also comes with a vast number of improvements and adjustments based on feedback received from thousands of users worldwide. Dozens of these new features have been introduced to RC design modules.

Advance Design is a complete solution for the analysis of complex structures by the finite elements method. To ensure a high standard of excellence for its users, it provides a wide range of functions specialized in advanced CAD modeling, meshing, calculation, expert design and results post-processing.

Advance Design was specifically developed for industry professionals that require a superior solution for the structural analysis and design of Reinforced Concrete, Steel and Timber structures according to the last versions of the Eurocodes, North American, Canadian, and Italian codes.

OS: win x64
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Пользователь офлайн
События Суббота, 17.08.2024, 11:10


Автор текущей темы
Группа: АДМИН
Cообщений: 783
Регистрация: 28.03.2010
GibbsCAM 2024 v24.0.71.00
это передовое CAM-программное обеспечение для программирования станков с ЧПУ, обладающее мощью и гибкостью, позволяющими изготавливать детали так, как вы хотите. Благодаря единому удобному интерфейсу, настраиваемому и легкому в навигации, вы максимизируете производительность. Независимо от того, являетесь ли вы программистом ЧПУ, станочником или инженером-технологом, вы найдете знакомую терминологию, понятные значки и логические процессы. Благодаря GibbsCAM программирование ЧПУ становится гибким, быстрым, надежным и эффективным.

GibbsCAM® is cutting-edge CAM software for programming CNC machine tools with the power and flexibility to make parts the way you want. With its single, shop-friendly interface that is customizable and easy to navigate, you’ll maximize productivity. Whether you’re a CNC programmer, machinist, or manufacturing engineer, you’ll find familiar terminology, icons that make sense, and logical processes. With GibbsCAM, CNC programming is flexible, fast, reliable, and efficient.

Why GibbsCAM?
Single CAM software solution for any CNC machine
Easy-to-use, customizable interface designed specifically for NC programming
Proven, error-free library of post processors developed in-house
Accurate, industry-leading machine simulation for even the most complex machines
Multi-task machining (MTM) programming capabilities

What’s New in GibbsCAM 2024?
Powerfully Simple, Simply Powerful
GibbsCAM 2024 continues to boost end-user productivity for programming advanced machining centers, underpinning the GibbsCAM promise of Powerfully Simple, Simply Powerful.

Integration with CoroPlus® Tool Library
Benefits for all users
More Tooling Flexibility

OS: win x64
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Пользователь офлайн
События Вторник, 03.09.2024, 17:42


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Группа: АДМИН
Cообщений: 783
Регистрация: 28.03.2010
Esri CityEngine 2024.0.10211
удивительный и мощный инструмент для городского дизайна. Доступ к спутниковым картам ландшафта с геоданными для определения желаемого местоположения проекта и передачи данных в другие 3D-приложения, работает превосходно. Как пишут авторы, софт отлично подходит для быстрого градостроительного планирования черновых и окончательных проектов.

Перед вами довольно впечатляющий инструмент в мире 3D-моделирования. Он обеспечивает высококачественную визуализацию и несколько вариантов дизайна для всей вашей команды. Однако интеграция с другими подобными программами решена не лучшим образом и именно об этом сообщают некоторые комментарии в сети.

    Улучшен рабочий процесс рисования дорожной сети с помощью новой опции «Пересекать сегменты» для автоматического создания новых узлов на пересечениях дорог.
    Новый инструмент обратного направления позволяет изменить направление отдельных улиц.
    Можно копировать и вставлять атрибуты правил, параметры дорог и атрибуты объектов в инспекторе, что упрощает проектирование дорожной сети.
    Градостроители получают улучшенную интеграцию с программным обеспечением Esri ArcGIS Urban.

OS: win x64
Русский язык: нет
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Пользователь офлайн
События Среда, 04.09.2024, 16:26


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Группа: АДМИН
Cообщений: 783
Регистрация: 28.03.2010
MaxCut Business Edition
довольно интересное и функциональное ПО, в первую очередь разработанное для профессионалов и мелких/средних предприятий в области как обрабатывающей так и деревообрабатывающей промышленности. По сути вы получаете после установки и запуска комплексный софт, он поможет вам выполнить полную оптимизацию планов раскроя, а самое важное, вы сможете значительно сократить отходы материала, а это в свою очередь приведет к экономии как денег так и время.

Одной из отличительных особенностей является удобный интерфейс, который позволяет пользователям быстро начать работу и создавать планы раскроя. Приложение также имеет широкий набор инструментов и функциональных возможностей, которые позволяют пользователям настраивать планы раскроя в соответствии с их конкретными потребностями.

Одной из наиболее примечательных особенностей является возможность расчета оптимальной схемы раскроя для заданного набора материалов. Программа может учитывать различные факторы, такие как размер и форма материалов, желаемый выход продукции и доступное пространство для резки. В результате получается оптимизированный план раскроя, который минимизирует отходы и максимально эффективно использует материалы.

В целом - перед вами мощный инструмент, который может помочь деревообрабатывающим и производственным предприятиям сэкономить время и деньги за счет оптимизации планов раскроя и сокращения отходов материалов. Удобный интерфейс и широкий набор функций делают его ценным вложением для предприятий любого размера.

OS: win x64
Русский язык: нет
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Пользователь офлайн
События Вторник, 10.09.2024, 21:22


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Группа: АДМИН
Cообщений: 783
Регистрация: 28.03.2010
Automapki Autoconverter 2.2.4
Autoconverter позволяет импортировать, экспортировать и конвертировать между широким спектром форматов файлов 3D-сеток и твердых тел. Он поддерживает многочисленные расширения 3D-файлов, 3DM (Rhinoceros 3D Model), 3DS (3D-Studio File Format), 3MF (3D Manufacturing Format), AMF (Additive Manufacturing File), ASE (Autodesk Scene Export), BLEND (Blender 3D), COB (Caligari TrueSpace Object), DAE (Collada) и другие.

Autoconverter enables the import, export, and conversion among a wide range of 3D mesh and solid file formats. It offers support for numerous 3D file extensions, 3DM (Rhinoceros 3D Model), 3DS (3D-Studio File Format), 3MF (3D Manufacturing Format), AMF (Additive Manufacturing File), ASE (Autodesk Scene Export), BLEND (Blender 3D), COB (Caligari TrueSpace Object), DAE (Collada) and more.

Export 3DM, 3DS, 3MF, ASC, BREP, DAE, FBX, GLTF, IDTF, IFC, IGES, IПобеда, JSON, M3D, OBJ, OFF, PLY, SAT, SKP, STEP, STL, U3D, ПобедаRML, X, PNG, BMP, GIF, JPEG, USD, and X3D files.
Smooth and unify vertex normals, invert facets mesh editing commands.
Automatically fill up mesh holes to fix and heal 3D model geometry.
Calculate mass, centroid, moments of inertia radius of gyration, and principal moments.
Save SketchUp SKP, FBX, IFC, STEP, Rhino 3DM, and GLTF files in the given file version.
Support for material texture images in OBJ, 3DS, DAE, 3DM, FBX, 3MF, X3D, U3D, IDTF, JSON, ПобедаRML, X, USD, and SKP files.
Support component instances for JSON, 3DS, IFC, X, AMF, GLTF, XGL, SKP, DAE, 3DM, FBX, USD, and STEP files.
Command line and batch conversion of multiple 3D file formats at once.

OS: win x64
Русский язык: нет
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Luxion KeyShot Studio Enteprise 2024.2 v13.1.1.4
Добейтесь фотореалистичных результатов в течение нескольких минут после открытия KeyShot. Интерфейс, созданный дизайнерами для дизайнеров, невероятно прост в освоении и использовании.
Несмотря на то, что KeyShot на первый взгляд кажется простым, более опытные 3D-профессионалы также найдут глубину функциональности, которая удовлетворит их потребности.

eyShot is designed to make 3D rendering and animation easy. It allows you to apply materials and lighting fast and provides the most accurate materials appearances and real-world lighting, all in a powerful interface that provides advanced capabilities and the ability to see all your changes in real-time. So, what is KeyShot? And what does it help you do?

Focus on your design, not software.
KeyShot is extremely easy to learn and use to achieve photographic results in minutes through a simple, workflow-based interface with all the advanced capabilities for the most experienced 3D render professional.

Present your ideas sooner.
KeyShot brings visual speed and agility to the entire product development process, with the widest 3D file format support for a fluid workflow from concept to final product.

Make it more realistic.
KeyShot materials go beyond physical appearance providing scientifically accurate properties for the highest quality visuals. Use a preset, an exclusive partner material or create your own.

Access complete computing power.
KeyShot gives you the power and the choice to utilize either CPU or NПобедаIDIA GPUs for rendering and the capability to scale linearly for unmatched performance.

Light it up right.
KeyShot provides advanced lighting capabilities that create the most accurate lighting for simple studio shots or the most complex interior lighting.

See your results instantly.
KeyShot is real-time rendering to the core. Not a mode. Not an afterthought. See everything as it happens. Every change from material and lighting to cameras and animation is seen instantly as you work.

Leave them speechless.
From still image and animations to interactive web and mobile content, KeyShot’s ability to create the highest quality visuals possible ensures you are using the best tool for all your visualization needs

OS: win x64
Русский язык: нет
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Пользователь офлайн
События Суббота, 14.09.2024, 12:36


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Группа: АДМИН
Cообщений: 783
Регистрация: 28.03.2010
NanoCAD 24.0.6440.4339
это профессиональная программа категории CAD (система проектирования). Кто уже имел дела с подобными разработками, найдет интерфейс знакомым, так как в целом особо не отличается от подобных программ, разобраться в нем будет не сложно, можно сказать, даже просто. Вы получите мощные средства разработки и проектирования, помимо этого присутствует встроенная совместимость с DWG (чертежи), а продвинутые пользователи найдут привлекательным открытую поддержку API (программный интерфейс приложения).

OS: win x64
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